Friday, October 21, 2005

Kellogg’s Corn Flakes

I LOVE cereal! Give me a big bowl first thing in the morning with bananas and strawberries, always making sure to add EXTRA sugar, and I’m happy—gotta love that sugar boost! Walking down the cereal aisle in the grocery store can be an overwhelming experience; sooo many to choose from these days. Whoever came up with the freeze dried fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries) that softens when milk is added deserves a big kiss on the lips—that shit is delicious!! As I stroll down the aisle I narrow my choice down to two—I always buy two. When my eyes scan passed the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes I forget where I am (just for a second) and remember…

It’s Christmas time and my sister and I are getting antsy to open presents. Actually I don’t know why she’s antsy because she would hunt the hidden presents down every year and find them—she hated surprises. I loved them!!—she would try to lure me to the treasure of gifts but I always resisted the temptation. She could not understand how I could be so stubborn; but as long as I didn’t snitch on her for discovering the gifts she was good with it.

Every year, like clockwork, there was a knock at the door. It was my Grandpa Fox—he stood in the doorway with four boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes held snugly in his arms-- “Merry Christmas!” My sister and I lunged towards the doorway and grabbed our box of cereal—I told you I LOVED cereal; now didn’t I? Grandpa stood there with the sweetest grin on his face—Christmas was his favorite time of year. His grin caused the skin around his ice blue eyes to crinkle—I can still see him standing there today. As he handed a box of cereal to Mama and Daddy, my sister and I proceeded to rip open our boxes. You see we knew the routine; it was the same every year; and every year was just as much fun as the last.

Cardboard tearing, cereal flying, and THEN…I found one!!! My sister was close behind waving her prize in the air as I was. More cereal flying; more prizes!! Grandpa left the corn flakes in the boxes and put money inside for us to discover. Lots of dollar bills; which was a wad of money to a kid—of course he put 20’s in my parents’ cereal which sucked royally—but I didn’t care at the time. This Christmas tradition continued until his health declined and he eventually passed away.

When I see Kellogg’s Corn Flakes I ALWAYS think of my Grandpa with his beautiful ice blue eyes standing in the doorway with a grin on his face. I never buy them though—this particular cereal is for remembering; not for eating. This particular cereal reminds me of a time when life was simple; when a box with a rooster on it could bring nothing short of sheer joy to two little girls; a time when the love of a Grandpa meant everything.

So if you see me in the cereal aisle a thousand miles away in my thoughts…ease quietly on by while I remember…my life was good; and I am thankful.

I'll Remember--Madonna


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! The memory is soo sweet... but :D Gaye!!! hahhaha I also love cereal!!! :D And I also LOVE sugar!!! hahahhahaa I mean, as I was reading I was feeling a kind of dejavu ahahahahaha :D Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are the less tasty ones, so when I was a child I used to add SUUUUUCH a huge quantity of sugar so that I'd enjoy every spoonful of that meal, and at the bottom of the bowl, when I'd have finished, I'd find aaall the sugar there, and I'd eat it hahahahah Oh dear that had to be soooo unhealthy LOL!! hahahahaha But it was tasty nevertheless!!! :D Now I still add sugar to my cereal, but I control myself a bit more with it hahahhahahaha :P It's really cool that you and me coincide in a preference like this one!! :D We must have breakfast together sometime!!! hahahaaha 1000 kg of sugar each of course hahahaa and a bowl big as a bath hahahaah Oh! That makes me remember another thing: a box of cereal is supposed to last a week more or less (I mean, it's what the box says, it says "10 portions" or whatever), but at home boxes last 1 or 2 days maximum hahahahaha Cause when me or my brother (who is such another cereal eater, although he's not living at home now so I'm the only cereal monster here hahahhahahaha :P) eat cereal, we take the hugest bowl at home, and probably will eat 2 or even 3 times with that bowl lol! :P Again, it's been so cool to coincide with this :D I'm glad I've found another cereal monster!! hhahahahah ;) Thank you for sharing this memory, Gaye :) It's really really sweet and so interesting for me to see Gaye as a child :) It's touching when you mention you never buy them. I understand you: this is a memory, a gorgeous one, you've got from your childhood, and if you ate them now you'd feel like violating it. See you soon, and have a comfortable night, Gaye :)

12:39 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

what a sweet story. i wish i had known him.

1:00 PM  
Blogger Still Searching... said...

What a wonderful memory, and an interesting tradition too. Thank you for sharing. :-)

1:01 PM  
Blogger fairygirl701 said...

What a sweet tradition, no wonder you love that cereal so much--It brings back wonderful memories for you...thanks for sharing that and giving me a smile.

10:32 AM  
Blogger ginger said...

How fun! He sounds like a wonderful man. Those little things are what we remember. Presents and toys and clothes don't stay in our memories, but the love does.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Gaye said...

gerard--lots and lots of sugar!! The last bite has to be milk and sugar only--yummmm!!

Heidi-"Howdy Doody Heidi"--how cute!!! I love your name!!!

Jas--never had to use the ole Fiber One---YET!!!

Lindsay, Steph, Still Searching, Ginger--I still think this tradition is sooo neat. I'm gonna start it with my grandkids; as sort of a "gift" to my grandfather.

8:28 PM  

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