Friday, November 11, 2005

Deciduous or Evergreen?

I recently purchased a digital camera and find myself "seeing" things from a different perspective. The lens zooms in and allows me to focus on the object at hand with intense specificity. Wandering around the backyard attempting to capture the perfect shot of the colors of autumn... a thought occurred to me---am I a deciduous tree or an evergreen?

For you see, I realized at that moment that people are like trees... think about it... Deciduous trees are green and thick in the summer; explode into magnificent color in the fall; release their leaves to the earth in winter; only to replenish their branches with the return of spring. Evergreens on the other hand remain steadfast, various shades of green, and lush year round.

Deciduous people don't resist change. They wear their colors for all to see regardless of the season. They know just when to explode into color and touch those around them with their inner beauty. Deciduous individuals also have the intuitiveness to know when to "fade" away, if just for a moment; and then return with the newness of spring.

Evergreens represent people that remain the same throughout their lives other than subtle changes equivalent to different shades of the same color. They are dependable, protective, predictable; change comes in the form of physically growing older. Their true selves are masked by the lushness of their loaded branches and revealed to a numbered few.

My favorite tree is the River Birch. It is deciduous and grows best along the water; even though they can be found virtually everywhere today. This tree is special to me because of the connection I have to my RIVER and because of its unique trunk. It not only produces green leaves for summer, changes beautiful colors in the fall, releases its leaves in the winter, becomes reborn in the spring; but it also sheds its bark---a steady rough peeling that reveals a smooth skin underneath.

As I focused the camera in on the colorful autumn trees I noticed something else. No matter what angle I turned the camera; no matter what position I stood in the yard; every frame included the beautiful deciduous trees AND the majestic evergreens. Side by side; growing from the same soil; so different in appearance and stature; yet trees nonetheless.

As people we walk on the same soil; some of us are deciduous; some of us are evergreens; and others are a combination of the two. We're so very different, yet living side by side just as trees do. What kind of tree am I? My intention is to strive to be a River Birch---growing, changing, colorful, finding peace close to the water, "fading" when it's appropriate, and most important continuously shedding my personal baggage while always leaving a layer of protectiveness behind to nurture the newness of me slowly being revealed. What kind of tree are YOU? Posted by Picasa


Blogger Anisa said...

excellent analogy...this post really makes you think!!

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh noo!! hahaha I had started writing this comment an hour or so ago, but I had to leave cause I had to go to my violin lesson, and now when I've come back to finish it... Anisa! hahaha joking ;) What I wanted to say is that you're amazing, Gaye!! :D From a "simple" subject you get out an interesting and mature "study", to call it in some way. It's so interesting to compare people and society with trees :) I love trees, so much. And by the way, I am a mixture of both evergreen and deciduous tree ;)

10:23 AM  
Blogger Buffalo said...

I'm a gnarly, old oak tree that somehow manages to resist the woodsman's axe and the ravages of nature.

Great post, Gaye!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Still Searching... said...

I am most decidedly a deciduous tree! Thanks for the post, loved it. :-)

1:19 PM  
Blogger Gaye said...


gerard--I love it when you use the word mature to describe me instead of "that old woman"! lol Take care!

buffalo--an oak--I'll buy that. But the kind of oak that is LOADED with thick massive branches so that when the leaves fall it still looks full, strong, and dependable.

still searching--deciduous is good; that's what I'm striving for...

jolie--Katherine Hepburn--what a WOMAN!! The magnolia describes me perfectly--everything in my freakin life is complicated--what's up with that?(BUT I smell good!!!!)lol

9:37 AM  
Blogger Gaye said...

heidi--i said i was striving to be deciduous--in actuality I am an evergreen (ho-hum)for now at least. I have a plan tho--surround ourselves with deciduous people and surely they will start to rub off on us for an occasional "colorful" moment--how does that sound???

12:20 PM  
Blogger Red Bark said...

Hrummmph!............. BOOM!

I am glad to see.... that some people have a heathy respect for trees.

I am, as you can see, a deciduous tree. A Maple in fact. My leaves are most beautiful in the fall.

You have beautiful leaves too.

8:28 PM  

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