Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chasing the Elusive

Chasing is in our nature… practiced at a very young age. Remember the childhood games of tag? The adrenaline flowing through your body as you ran from the chaser; the intense desire to tag a playmate in order to become one of the group again instead of the lone pursuer.

As we grow into adulthood the chase continues while the prey evolves with age. Sometimes we chase the tangible; other times the elusive. Chasing the tangible is acceptable and can easily be backed up by logic. When we capture our tangible prey there is instant gratification and reward. Jobs, homes, vehicles, partners, children…we can easily relive the chase and capture in our minds.

The elusive chase is different. It combines two childhood games… tag as well as hide and seek. Instead of running full speed ahead, the chase is cautious and unpredictable. The elusive has no logic to the masses; only to each individual chaser. Instant gratification and reward is replaced by skepticism.

There’s a difference between the illusive and the elusive. The illusive is a form of an illusion; something not real but has the ability to be seen if it’s the vision of choice in your mind. This is what I call a dream chaser. We all chase dreams… as we should. The elusive is very real; dodging, disappearing, out running us. Many times we are scorned for this chase.

As I grow older I realize the significance of chasing the elusive. Seeking dreams fulfills the wants in life; capturing the elusive fulfills the needs. The inability to articulate this chase or back it up with logic is irrelevant to me. For you see…I’ve felt it; seen it; touched it… only to blink and have it elude me again. The capture will be complete when wisdom guides me there and adrenaline is replaced with peace.

Dream On


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